Posted on October 29, 2019 by Alyssa Yandell in inetUSA’s Symphony of Marketing

I know what you’re thinking! “But…the internet is EVERYTHING!” And you’re right. But that’s precisely the problem.
In a report from eMarketer, here are some of the words people in the US used when asked their opinion on digital marketing:
- Aggressive
- Intrusive
- Annoying
- Untrustworthy
It’s no secret that advertising is a necessary factor associated with viewing free web content. However, are people responding with ads they see online? Are your ads getting the types of reactions and conversions you are seeking?
Don’t get me wrong – digital marketing is certainly not useless. But today, with technology inundating everything we do, see, think, hear and use – online marketing ought to be seen as a complementary avenue to some more traditional marketing channels – not the end all, be all. That’s ESPECIALLY true for small and medium sized businesses where local & personal impact is priceless to your brand.
Many companies have dropped more traditional marketing techniques for digital media campaigns, aiming to reach more prospective customers, as well as increasing revenue without having to shell out traditional-media dollars. But when you dig just a bit deeper than the alluring appeal of Facebook’s 1 billion users and low-cost platform – the truth is – it is flawed. It’s is complex. And from the consumers’ mouths themselves…it’s annoying!
In addition to the public opinion and the growing reality of ‘digital media blindness’ –’s Salmaan Ahmad says “digital marketing is inherently complex – so much so that even the most talented marketing minds scramble to understand the ever-changing digital landscape that continues to leave many businesses wondering if solving a Rubik’s Cube might not be easier.”
Trying to figure out how these wacky algorithms work either for or against your business is like waking up each day and not knowing what kind of “mood” Facebook’s is in on that particular day. It’s constantly evolving. This is what makes digital so fascinating and exciting – but also a pain in the…well, you know.
So, what am I getting at here? To put it simply…embrace the resurgence of print!
Now, I’m not telling you to nix your entire digital ad spend in favor of print-only marketing. However, consider the ways you could marry the two channels and use the strengths of both to your advantage. Print campaigns flow beautifully in tandem with digital campaigns! When you really want to drive results, the way to do it is with a multi-channel approach, led by print.
Let’s say you send a great direct mail offer that your target consumer hangs onto. You can increase the success of that campaign by reviving that consumer’s interest with an effective follow-up email or digital display ad campaign using a Facebook ‘audience’ or Google AdSense to target the same homes that received your mail piece. If they see the digital ad or email containing similar wording, similar message, colors, graphics, etc., you’re more likely to trigger an unconscious response because suddenly, it will feel familiar! They just saw that mail piece and held it in their hand, probably read it or at least glanced at both sides. It may still be sitting on their kitchen counter or the front seat of their car. Now, your digital dollars are working in-support of your print campaign that your consumers have already engaged with!
Subscribe to our blog for more tips & ideas on how to run a successful side-by-side campaign – but for now, I’d like to wrap up with some final points – just in case you’re not convinced!
Four Reasons Print Marketing is a Must!
Studies show that 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing. That is a staggering statistic. In addition to this, a whopping 90% of millennials find direct mail to be reliable and 57% have made purchases based on direct mail offers they receive.
This means that your audience, regardless of target demographic, is more likely to respond positively to a direct mail piece than most other advertisements they might see.
Mail is tangible. You can hold it in your hand, turn it over, keep it on your desk, bring it with you to a store. You can’t scroll past it, it won’t disappear if you click away, and it doesn’t hide on the side, top, or bottom of a page – it’s the main focus!
Not only does this give your print pieces a much higher chance to leave a lasting impression via a “tactile experience,” but it allows your recipient to hang onto it and interact with your offer at their leisure. This increases the likelihood that you’ll engage with this person and get a conversion!
Did you know that according to Google, over half of digital ads are never seen? Yikes. As I mentioned before, while this doesn’t mean digital ads are useless, it does mean that you should be realistic when it comes to marketing spend and expected response rates.
Print media such as EDDM, newsletters, flyers, brochures and other direct mail pieces consistently perform better than social/digital when it comes to response rate and reach. Statistic after statistic supports the notion that consumers love print! Now, I’m not saying that folks are going to frame your next mail piece and pass it down to their children and their children’s children…that would be weird. But! I am saying that an effective print campaign can absolutely increase your reach and response rates and puts your offer right in their hands, literally!
Digital advertising is becoming more and more policed by the day. You may design the perfect ad, have your marketing team create the perfect graphics & copy, get the post all set up, scheduled and then you wait (sometimes up to 24 hours) and suddenly…BAM! Rejected. Facebook thinks the graphic you chose of that alpaca enjoying ice cream is too suggestive. Huh?! Sometimes the reason is obvious, other times the reason may be elusive and vague.
Or maybe your ad was approved for posting, but the algorithm gods decide that your caption contains one too many words, and suddenly your ad’s reach is now limited. How rude!
It’s the nature of the digital beast. Behind these practices are good intentions meant to protect the sanctity of advertising on these platforms, but to say this is a frustrating occurrence is an understatement!
With print, you don’t have to worry about these things. You’re in control. Of course, we still encourage brands to be tactful and professional in creating their print pieces, but you no longer need to sweat the small stuff or keep up with the constant onslaught of new rules introduced by digital platforms. Let your target audience enjoy that photo of an alpaca eating ice cream in all its glory!